Crunchy Momma/Mom/Mama/Mommy
What exactly is a "Crunchy Mama"? Well, here's a meme to help.
And here's Urban Dictionary's definition of a Crunchy Mama:
crunchy mama | 138 up, 14 down | |
Mother who supports homebirth, breastfeeding, baby wearing, cloth diapering, co-sleeping, gentle discipline, etc. One who questions established medical authority; tends to be vegetarian and/or prepare all-organic foods. See crunchy and hippie.
That crunchy mama is breastfeeding in public again!
And Urban Dictionary's definition of a Crunchy Mom:
Crunchy Mom | 6 up, 1 down | |
A member of an increasingly growing group of moms who are neo-hippies.
They generally believe (for varying reasons) that there is something bad or less beneficial about buying mainstream products or doing other common activities in the mainstream way. You might be a crunchy mom if you: ...bake all your own bread ...make your own jam, jelly, pickles, applesauce, etc. ...gave birth at home -- by CHOICE! (With a midwife, doula, or unassisted!) ...prefer to teach your children yourself at home instead of letting the public or private schools do it for you. ...grow your own food as much as possible, and buy the rest at farmer's markets or health food stores. ...are vegan or vegetarian. ...choose not to use birth control. ...don't wear a bra or shoes. ...don't use shampoo or soap, but instead maybe sea salt or a variety of other things. ...had your placenta chopped up for an anti-depressant pill or smoothie. ...have no television in your home -- and actually read BOOKS for entertainment! ...grind your own grain to make your own bread with (did you know that wheat looses about 90% of it's nutrients within 7 days of being ground?) ...don't cut your hair or wear pants (not going around half-naked, but wearing skirts! Silly people! Get your mind out of the gutter!) ...can add 10 more things to this list that I didn't even think of! If it were a spectrum, on the extreme far end you would find Amish. |
Let's see how well I fit into these descriptions...
We cloth diaper. Granted, right now it's only on weekends because we don't have enough diapers to do it full time, but we're working on it.
I breastfeed. Yes, I supplement with formula because I don't make enough, but she's getting some and that's what counts.
I'm definitely NOT a vegetarian. No, I like chicken, beef, and turkey. Serve me a burger, steak, or chicken fingers any day!
I did not have a home birth, nor do I ever plan to have one. HOWEVER, I wouldn't say no to trying an all natural type birth in a hospital next go around.
I don't question all medical trains of thought. However, I do have some issues with labor and delivery practices. But that's just because I'm biased and was cheated out of a birthing experience. >.<
Organic food is just too rich for my pocket.
We have done some co-sleeping and I definitely enjoy being able to snuggle my lil bug in bed and snoozing together.
Placenta encapsulation - one word. EW!
Homeschooling - heck no!
Birth control - YES! No more bebes just yet.
No tv?
No bra? Whatever. Have you seen these milk makers? I need them secured.
And I certainly don't have enough time to make my own food.
So, I don't think I'm a completely crunchy mama, but we'll go with I have "Slightly Crunchy Tendencies."
How about you? Do you have "Crunchy" tendencies? Are you a Crunchy Mama?
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